Tomorrow is my first day back at school after a 6 week break.
I still have to label all my stuff, but, luckily we only need a few things tomorrow because we will just be finding out which classes we are in and all that stuff. (:
Today I straightened my hair so that I can sleep on it and tomorrow it'll be a straight-ish wave, which will be a huge improvement from the crazy curls I've been having recently. Below is some pictures of my school stuff :D
All of my books :L
My binder! (this is basically all we have to bring on the first day- along with pens and some paper)
A random notebook which I got recently and decided it would come in handy for school (:
New Layout
In other news- I became very bored with my old layout and was craving for a change. I spent about 30mins creating this collage of all things beauty and spent another 10mins trying to compress the picture so that I could upload it as my blog's background. What do you think? Do you like it?
Check back soon for a post of how my first day went (and maybe some surprise post? Oui or non?) .
(much more enthusiastic after my change of layout)